Glossary Prodomos 

Published by Time Prodomos on

All terms necessary for full understanding of the Whitepaper are laid down below.

Prodomos Utility Token

It is a Utility Token that facilitates access to home ownership, viability real estate constructions. and allows the exchange for real estate and the contracting of services on the Prodomos Marketplace.

Utility Token

Or Utility Tokens, they generally represent the access/exchange of Tokens for a service/product or even being a validator within an established process of any ecosystem.


An immutable ledger: Does not literally store business objects—instead it stores facts about those objects. When we say “we store a business object in a reason”, what we really mean is that we are recording the facts about the current state of an object and the facts about the transaction history that led to the current state.

Private Blockchain

A private blockchain network, similar to a public blockchain network, is a decentralized peer-to-peer network. However, an organization administers the network by controlling who is allowed to participate, executing a consensus protocol, and keeping the ledger shared. Depending on the use case, this can significantly boost trust among participants. A private blockchain can run behind a corporate firewall and even be hosted on-premises.


Document that contains the most important information of a digital asset, addressing its legal, compliance, business model, marketing, etc. aspects.

Means of Payment

Payment methods are about the different ways your customers can pay for your products or services, such as Nubank, PicPay and PagSeguro.


Digital wallets, also known as Wallets, are applications for managing your Tokens, performing transactions and receipts just like a bank application.


Function in the Prodomos Utility Token Wallet app for easy payment via QRCode reading.

Definitive Public Deed

The final deed is the document that transfers the property to the acquirer. To obtain the definitive deed, the acquirer may present to the real estate registry the proof of exchange of tokens for real estate.


It is a tax, of the kind imposed, called Tax on Transmission of Real Estate, charged in disposals of non-free real estate, disciplined in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in Article 156.


According to the magisterium of the Federal Revenue of Brazil, it comprises civil construction: “the construction, the demolition, the renovation, the expansion of buildings or any other improvement added to the soil or subsoil”.


Asset Tokenization is the process by which an asset gains a digital representation on blockchain. Token call, which can be divided into multiple parts, even if the asset is not divisible in the real world.

This process allows these assets to be transferred, appropriated, and stored by agents digitally.

Security Token

Or Security Tokens generally represent the access/exchange of Tokens for equity, income, profits or any promised earnings.


The Vability is the process of Prodomos, that through the registration of auditable data on blockchain, Prodomos creates the tracking of real estate constructions, ensuring the security of information and thus enabling the enable operations.

Digital Assets

Digital Assets are assets traded through Blockchain technology and have their own value unit

Some examples are Cryptocurrencies, Tokens and NFTs.

Categories: Whitepaper


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